Jason and Ali Shiels launched Liberty church in 2014. Jason is from Mid Ulster and met Ali (born in South Africa) on a year out in India back in 1992. After marriage and a few years living in Coleraine where Jason was a school teacher, they became a missionary family in India for 4 years and then subsequently spent 11 years in Dublin planting, establishing and developing a brand new fellowship – South City Church (www.southcitychurch.ie) which is a vibrant church reaching out on the South-side of Dublin. In February 2014 the doors of the Liberty building opened publicly in Castledawson for the first time following a couple of months beginning as a house-church.
We believe that the call of God on this church is to fulfil the mandate of Isaiah 61 / Luke 4 to bring the LIBERTY of Christ, in the power of the Spirit, to the ‘captives’ in our community and to ‘RE-present’ Him in every sphere of life. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer and is such good news! We also are a church that desires to see the Kingdom of God restore and transform lives, families, communities and even nations. Restoring Lives, Transforming Community